Easy Fitness Tips to Follow

Most ailments that we suffer from are caused by improper handling of our bodies. This explains why there are so many fitness tips available by the media. This article will summarize them into tips that can easily be adapted for your fitness level.

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It is important to keep our bodies on the move. This can simply be achieved by undertaking various activities in our homes such as mowing the lawn, climbing the stairs, dancing, and cleaning the house amongst others. This simple step will ensure our bodies are kept in shape because calories will be burned in the process. Furthermore, people should dedicate about two to three hours in a day either in the morning or evening to exercise. This can be followed up by formulating a fitness schedule with realistic fitness goals. Moreover, have a positive attitude before engaging into any exercise activity.

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Exercise encompasses many activities that can be split into various categories. For instance walking, jogging, running and swimming activities are commonly referred to as aerobic exercise. Exercise geared at improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure to unclog and burn unwanted fat in the arteries is referred to as cardiovascular, which also comprises of running. These activities can be undertaken inside the house, outside the house or in the gym. To keep one motivated it is important to alternate the activities after one to two weeks. It is also essential to get used to the exercising environment, for example the running surface or gym equipment. Furthermore, once the exercises become easier and your physical exertion is less on each exercise, then it is time to increase the rate of exercising or the running and swimming distance.

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Top 10 Time Saving Workout Tips For Busy People

Whether it’s catching a jet for a sales trip or buying stock for a client just before the NASDAQ soars, seconds count in the business world. But you don’t have to leave the philosophy in the locker room when you hit the gym. Although there’s never an excuse for sloppy exercise technique, there are dozens of safe ways to shave time from your workout routine, and still train like a champ. Here are 10 most effective time saving workout tips for busy professionals.

1. Practice some fancy footwork – Simply changing your foot placement from exercise to exercise can turn a simply leg press into a total leg workout.

2. Attack the opposites – Train opposing muscle groups during rest periods. For example, after you get done doing bench presses, switch to seated rows for your upper and lower back.

3. Rev up your fat burning furnace – Treadmills are great for walking, jogging or running, but doing a little of each by interval training can help kick your body’s fat-burning ability into high gear.

4. Bear down on a bench – A single bench can be your workout island in a sea of exercise chaos, allowing you to do chest and shoulder presses, triceps extensions, upright rows, pullovers and other exercises.

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